
Simple MySQL client for the terminal
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config.def.h (1823B)

      1 /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
      3 #define FLDSEP " | "
      4 #define MAXCOLSZ 19
      6 static const char *dbhost = "";
      7 static const char *dbuser = "";
      8 static const char *dbpass = "";
     10 /* gets executed when myadm is started */
     11 static Action actions[] = {
     12 	{ viewdblist },
     13 };
     15 static Key keys[] = {
     16 	/* view          key           function        argument */
     17         { "databases",   'q',          quit,           {.i = 0} },
     18         { "databases",   '\n',         viewdb,         {0} },
     19         { "databases",   ' ',          viewdb,         {0} },
     20         { "tables",      '\n',         viewtable,      {0} },
     21         { "tables",      ' ',          viewtable,      {0} },
     22         { "tables",      'e',          edittable,      {0} },
     23         { "records",     'e',          editrecord,     {0} },
     24         { "records",     ' ',          editrecord,     {0} },
     25         { NULL,          CTRL('c'),    quit,           {.i = 1} },
     26         { NULL,          'Q',          quit,           {.i = 1} },
     27         { NULL,          'q',          viewprev,       {0} },
     28         { NULL,          'I',          reload,         {0} },
     29         { NULL,          'k',          itempos,        {.i = -1} },
     30         { NULL,          KEY_UP,       itempos,        {.i = -1} },
     31         { NULL,          'j',          itempos,        {.i = +1} },
     32         { NULL,          KEY_DOWN,     itempos,        {.i = +1} },
     33         { NULL,          CTRL('d'),    itempos,        {.i = +20} },
     34         { NULL,          KEY_NPAGE,    itempos,        {.i = +20} },
     35         { NULL,          CTRL('u'),    itempos,        {.i = -20} },
     36         { NULL,          KEY_PPAGE,    itempos,        {.i = -20} },
     37         { NULL,          'g',          itempos,        {.i = -9999} },
     38         { NULL,          'G',          itempos,        {.i = +9999} },
     39 };