
Code I wrote during training
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turgraph.c (3205B)

      1 /* Exercise 6.25
      3  * Command list: 
      4  *    1: Pen is up
      5  *    2: Pen is down
      6  *    3: Right
      7  *    4: Left
      8  *    5.n: Go ahead of n steps
      9  *    6: print the floor
     10  *    9: end of data (quit)
     11 */
     13 #include <stdio.h>
     14 #define SIZE 50 
     15 #define CMD 11
     17 int getroute(int, int);
     18 void pmatrix(double [][SIZE], int);
     20 int main(void)
     21 {
     22    double floor[SIZE][SIZE] = { {0} };
     24    /* NOTE: don't use (for example) "5.9" but "5.09" and the 
     25     * 5.01 command do nothing: it write in the current position
     26     * which has been already written bye the previous command. */
     28    /* Don't forget '2' to write and '1', '6' and '9' to end */
     30    double cmds[CMD] = { 2, 5.25, 3, 5.12, 3, 5.25, 3, 5.12, 1, 6, 9 };
     32    /* Square (CMD = 11)
     33    double cmds[CMD] = { 2, 5.12, 3, 5.12, 3, 5.12, 3, 5.12, 1, 6, 9 };
     34    */
     36    /* C (CMD = 11)
     37    double cmds[CMD] = { 3, 3, 2, 5.09, 4, 5.06, 4, 5.09, 1, 6, 9 };
     38    */
     39    /* H (CMD = 16)
     40    double cmds[CMD] = {
     41       3, 2, 5.09, 4, 4, 5.05, 3, 5.08, 4, 5.05, 3, 3, 5.09, 1, 6, 9
     42    };
     43    */
     45    int pen = 0; /* 0 don't write */
     46    int route = 4, i, j;
     48    int r = 0, c = 0; /* rows and cols */
     49    r = c = SIZE/2-1; /* Logo start from middle of floor */
     51    /* loop all commands (cmds[]) */
     52    for(i = 0; i < CMD; i++) {
     53       /* check the command */
     54       switch( (int)cmds[i] ) {
     55 	 case 1:
     56 	    pen = 0;
     57 	    break;
     58 	 case 2:
     59 	    pen = 1;
     60 	    break;
     61 	 case 3:
     62 	 case 4:
     63 	    route = getroute(route, (int)cmds[i]);
     64 	    break;
     65          case 5:
     66 	    j = (int)(cmds[i] * 100) % 100;
     68 	    if(cmds[i] == 5.02 || cmds[i] == 5.06) /* fix 5.02 and 5.06 */
     69 	       ++j;
     71 	    /* Overflow check */
     72 	    if( (route == 1 && r + j > SIZE) || (route == 2 && r - j < 0) ||
     73 		(route == 3 && c - j < 0) || (route == 4 && c + j > SIZE)
     74   	    ) {
     75 		printf("You can't go out of floor (%dx%d): 5.%d\n",
     76 		SIZE, SIZE, j);
     77 		return -1;
     78             }
     80 	    for( ; j ; j--) {
     81                /* UP[1], DOWN[2], LEFT[3], RIGHT[4] */
     83                if(route > 2)
     84 	          floor[r][route == 4 ? c++ : c--] = pen;
     85 	       else
     86 	          floor[route == 2 ? r-- : r++][c] = pen;
     88 	    } /* end for (j) */
     90 	    /* cursor in the current position */
     91 	    if(route == 4) c--;
     92 	    else if(route == 3) ++c;
     93 	    else if(route == 2) ++r;
     94 	    else --r;
     96 	    break;
     97          case 6:
     98 	    /* print the matrix */
     99 	    pmatrix(floor, SIZE);
    100 	    break; /* not required */
    101       } /* end switch (cmds[i]) */
    103    } /* end for (i) */
    104    printf("\n");
    106    return 0;
    107 } /* E0F main */
    109 /* find the route "d" starting from "cr" */
    110 int getroute(int cr, int d)
    111 {
    112    switch(cr) {
    113       case 1: /* Up */
    114 	 return d;
    115 	 break;
    116       case 2: /* Down */
    117 	 return d == 4 ? 3 : 4;
    118 	 break;
    119       case 3: /* Left */
    120 	 return d == 3 ? 2 : 1;
    121 	 break;
    122       case 4: /* Right */
    123 	 return d == 4 ? 2 : 1;
    124 	 break;
    125       default: /* Uhm? */
    126 	 printf("Maybe you need a compass? :-)\n");
    127 	 return 0;
    128    }
    129 } /* end of getroute() */
    131 /* Print the matrix */
    132 void pmatrix(double m[][SIZE], int s)
    133 {
    134    int r, c;
    136    for(r = 0; r < s; r++) {
    137       for(c = 0; c < s; c++) {
    138 	 if(m[r][c])
    139 	    printf("+");
    140 	 else {
    141 	    if(c == s - 1 || c == 0) printf("."); /* wall */
    142 	    printf(" ");
    143 	 }
    144       }
    145       printf("\n");
    146    }
    148 } /* eof pmatrix() */